Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Is This Global Warming or What?

Okay, okay. The sky is not falling . . . just this minute, anyway . . . but the dandelions did give me a start when I finally got outside today.

Tuesday is my usually laundry day and I had gotten everything washed in plenty of time to line dry during daylight hours. But I was busy with my Phonology and Language Disorders exam and time slipped by and besides, it looked bleak and blustery, it looked too cold outside. When I did rouse myself from the computer, I decided to take a walk. As I put on my warm and fuzzy Oregon Coast sweater on my way to the door, I glanced at the thermometer. I would need a coat too, I figured, and that's when I saw that IT WAS 66 DEGREES TODAY IN WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA! And I missed a great blustery day of line drying and wasted all that electricity drying clothes for HOURS and HOURS. UGH. Shame on me, shame on me.

So I started my walk. I pushed up my sleeves by the time I made it to the end of the block. Then, as I was looking down at all of the beautiful mahogany-colored oak leaves, there it was! OMG! A dandelion! It's November 30, 2010, and we've got dandelions. Little did I know that when I said Hints of Spring they would really materialize so soon. I went home again to get my camera to record the event. Gotta report this to Project Budburst. The walk was short . . . but I've got to get on with the exam.

BTW, the tomatoes that I left on the vines are still ripening. When I was at Mom and Dad's house in Gloucester on Saturday, Dad showed me that his daffodils were up. Mom said the crocuses had already bloomed. What will this mean come spring?


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