Saturday, May 14, 2011

Nature Sounds: Fowler's Toad

Ah, the sound of frogs on a rainy evening. Tonight it is the Fowler's Toad. It was about this time last year that the Cope's Gray Treefrog caught my attention on a rainy spring evening. What a primal sound that humbles and beckons us to feel our true nature. 

8:00 a.m. on Queen's Creek
There are many amphibians in my backyard at this time of year. An American Bullfrog is seen most often in the goldfish pond, but the Fowler's and Cope's are always the loudest on spring evenings, especially when they're wet and happy.
A beautiful way to end a Saturday. The day began with a Bird Walk at New Quarter, then planting in the rain garden, a salad of fresh greens from my garden and strawberries from the Williamsburg Farmer's Market for dinner, now reading and listening. 

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