I'm having a little trouble typing with my left hand today. I haven't gotten up the nerve to free it from the wad of gauze and tape that I wrapped around it last night. I didn't want to bloody the sheets.
Yes, I injured myself yesterday. I bumped the blade of a bow saw across my knuckles and the back of my wrist. Yea, ouch is right. Well, ouch is what it looked like, but not how it felt. I felt nothing, of course, because I lost the wiring for sensation in the left side of my body when my head broke through the windshield in a automobile crash about 30 years ago. I don't have many occasions to be thankful for that crash, but this was one time I was happy not to feel the pain.
In any case, this accident with the bow saw will limit the amount of yard work I can do today. Bummer. I was going to spend some time sawing the other half of the woodpecker tree and then digging in the basin in the easement rain garden. The bow saw was nice and sharp too. I was hoping to finish one of the cuts I've started.
You see, I've been sawing away on the other half of the woodpecker tree that I blogged about a couple of weeks ago. It's the limb on the ground in the photo above, beyond the bird feeder. After my men planted the woodpecker tree I couldn't interest them in moving the other half of it to a margin of my property. I asked my husband to saw it into smaller pieces so that I could cart it away, but he reminded me that he was taking blood thinners due to his heart issues, blood clots and such, and the doctor told him to stay away from things like chain saws. After humming and hawing about what to do, I decided to attack it with a bow saw. It would take a while, but sawing would help build the upper body strength I needed to gain for kayaking season. So, I've been gnawing away at it. After a couple of outings, I thought the blade was a bit dull, so I bought a new one.
On my first day out with the shiny new blade I was careless. The old blade was so dull that I had slung in around carelessly on several occasions and a touchdown of blade to skin had only left a scratch. With the new blade, though, the old bow saw is a new force to be reckoned with. I will respect the saw. I will respect the saw.
When I heal. For now I'll resort to pulling weeds and watching birds.
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