Friday, April 8, 2011

Johnny Timbers Strikes Again!

Johnny Timbers tree service has been a regular in our neighborhood for the last few years. Ever since Hurricane Isabel passed through Southeast Virginia in 2003, my neighbors have been keen to cut down trees whenever they anticipate a problem. You can see that this very tall longleaf pine was giving my across-the-cul-de-sac neighbor a little indigestion.

I think I can say with confidence that Johnny Timbers is a great company to work with. The guys are young and professional. The guy who climbs the trees is a cowboy. Amazing to watch. My husband says he hopes he gets paid a lot.

They cut the branches one by one. Ropes are tied so that when a branch is cut, it doesn't fall but is lowered carefully. The guys on the ground cut it up and clean up the yard before the next limb comes down. As we are blessed with a lot of very tall trees, I'm sure Johnny Timbers will be back again soon.

My neighborhood was a farm through the mid-20th century. Most of the bigger and taller trees are about 50 to 70 years old. I counted the rings in the one that fell from my yard onto my neighbor's sun porch during Hurricane Isabel and there were about 75 rings. My house is on the ravine side of the former farm. Intermittent streams flow into the headwaters of Mill Creek, a tributary of the James River.

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