Thursday, January 6, 2011

. . . And This is Why We Need to do More with Less

We had a granddaughter in July, a great niece yesterday, and another great niece is due any minute. My daughter called and told me that two of her old high school friends are expecting. Yikes.

From National Geographic via Sierra's This Green Life:

Coming Soon: 7 Billion People

By the end of 2011, there will be 7 billion humans tramping around on this mud ball we call Earth. We love people as much as the next person — but that's a problem. So the venerable National Geographic magazine decided to produce a seven-part population-themed series.

The energetic video above uses facts, stats, and illustrations to generate interest. We see the precipitous spike graphed out to music, watch as megacities rise, learn that five people are born (and two die) every second, and that, standing shoulder to shoulder, 7 billion people would actually fit within L.A.'s city limits.

Watch and pass it on — we're sure you know a person or two.

--Avital Binshtock

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